45. Unlocking pH-responsive degradability of fumaramic acid derivatives by photoisomerization
Wonmin Choi, Sunyoung Kang, Euddeum Park, Youngjoon Song, Sojung Choi, and Yan Lee* Chemistry – A European Journal 2014, 20(48), 15715-15718

44. Apoptosis inducing, conformationally constrained, dimeric peptide analogs of KLA with sub-microm
Soonsil Hyun, Seonju Lee, Seoyeon Kim, Sangmok Jang, Jaehoon Yu*, and Yan Lee* Biomacromolecules 2014, 15, 3746-3752
43. Allevation of capsular formations on silicone implants in rats using biomembrane-mimic coatings
Ji Ung Park, Jiyeon Ham, Sukhwa Kim, Ji-Hun Seo, Sang-Hyon Kim, Seonju Lee, Hye Jeong Min, Sunghyun Choi, Ra mi Choi, Heejin Kim, Sohee...

42. Cell-Penetrating, Dimeric alpha-Helical Peptides : Nanomolar Inhibitors of HIV-1 Transcription
Sangmok Jang, Soonsil Hyun, Seoyeon Kim, Seonju Lee, Im-Soon Lee, Masanori Baba, Yan Lee*, and Jaehoon Yu* Angewandte Chemie...
41. A medusa-like b-cyclodextrin with 1-methyl-2-(2'-carboxyethyl) maleic anhydrides, a potentia
Sunyoung Kang, Euddeum Park, Youngeun Kim, Seonju Lee, Jiwoong Kwon, Hyungdo Cho, and Yan Lee* Journal of Drug Targeting 2014, 22(7),...

40. Comparison of pH-sensitive degradability of maleic acid amide derivatives
Sunyoung Kang, Youngeun Kim, Youngjun Song, Jin Uk Choi, Euddeum Park, Wonmin Choi, Jeongseon Park, Yan Lee* Bioorganic & Medicinal...

39. Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST) Phase Separation of Glycol Ethers for Forward Osmotic
Daichi Nakayama, Yeongbong Mok, Minwoo Noh, Jeongseon Park, Sunyoung Kang, Yan Lee* Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2014, 16, 5319-5325

38. Synthesis of Biomembrane-Mimic Polymers with Various Phospholipid Head Groups
Heejin Kim, Wonmin Choi, Seonju Lee, Sooyeol Kim, Jiyeon Ham, Ji-Hun Seo, Sangmok Jang, and Yan Lee* Polymer 2014, 55, 517-524

37. Circulatory osmotic desalination by mild temperature gradient based on lower critical solution t
Yeongbong Mok, Daichi Nakayama, Minwoo Noh, Sangmok Jang, Taeho Kim, Yan Lee* Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2013, 15, 19510-19517
36. Stimulation of phospholipase D in HepG2 cells after transfection using cationic liposomes
Sang Yoon Lee*, Yan Lee, Joon Sig Choi, Jong Sang Park, and Myung-Un Choi Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2013, 34, 931-935